Where Are Ron and Ellen?

Red Square and the Kremlin, Moscow, 2 July 2007

Red Square

Red Square, looking towards St. Basil's Cathedral.The Kremlin is on the right.

Red Square

Ellen in Red Square. This photo was taken from the St. Basil's end of the square; the Kremlin is on the left, GUM (a huge shopping complex) is the beige building on the right.

Lenin's tomb

Lenin's tomb outside the Kremlin. Soviet leaders and officials review the May Day parades from on top.

Gardens outside the kremlin

Alexandrovsky Gardens outside the Kremlin.

Tomb on Unknown Soldier

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier below the north wall of the Kremlin contains the remains of a single unknown soldier killed in December 1941 just outside Moscow, at the closest point the Nazi troops came to Moscow. Inscriptions along the surrounding plaza list Soviet "Hero Cities" from World War II. Huge crowds gather here on May 8, VE Day, and surviving veterans are honored.

Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev impersonators

Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Brezhnev may still be seen outside the Kremlin walls!

Cannon in Kremlin

Tsar Cannon inside the Kremlin. It was cast in 1586 for Fyodor I, but has never been fired. To give an idea of the size, the posts holding the chain were about thigh-high on Ellen.

Church inside Kremlin

Church inside the Kremlin.

Icon over church entrance

Icons over the main entrance of one of the churches in the Kremlin.

Church domes in Kremlin

Church domes inside the Kremlin.

St. Basil's Cathedral

Multi-colored St. Basil's Cathedral at one end of Red Square. The beige building on the left is actually a canvas screen with windows, doors, and other building features printed on it, covering construction and/or renovation of the building behind it. We saw such screens everywhere there was construction -- much nicer to look at than a messy construction site.