Where are Ron and Ellen?

Mexico 2006

Maya from Chiapas leaving San Cristobal for Oaxaca

One of our friends has a friend in Oaxaca, and passed on to us the following portion of a letter from Oaxaca: "A group of about 75 Maya from Chiapas came for a couple of days in about ten trucks [there were actually 20 in the convoy] with sacks of corn and other supplies for the APPOistas. They were led by 'Abejas', a pacifist religious group which was the object of the Acteal massacre in the 90s. While they were here, they (peacefully) invaded the square in front of the Cathedral, which is behind PFP lines, and performed a candle-light ceremony. Men, women and children. An act of incredible resolve and bravery. They couldn't stay long because they had come in rented trucks, and couldn't afford to pay more days for them. Poor, hardscrabble farmers for the most part, they managed to raise $120 dollars to give to the 'Causa'". We were very please to hear the group arrived safely and their trip was successful.

Gathering to enter cathedral

Gathering to enter the Cathedral in San Cristobal.

Blessing the crown

The priest from the Cathedral sprinkles holy water on the crowd.

Women outside the cathedral

Women waiting to enter the Cathedral.


Musicians lead the procession into the Cathedral.

Procession into the cathedral

Procession enters the Cathedral.

Priest speaking to people

Priest speaking to the people.


Prayers. From the left, the priest, the spokesman/organizer, a Mayan religious authority (with the ribbon hat). The Mayan religious authority is actually saying the prayers, and the man in the middle is holding the microphone for him.

Men in congregation

Men in the congregation.

Leaving the cathedral

Leaving the cathedral.

People in truck

People in a truck, ready to leave.

Men with ribbon hats

The men with ribbon hats are Mayan religious authorities.

Truck leaving San Cristobal

Leaving San Cristobal for Oaxaca.

Truck leaving San Cristobal

Leaving San Cristobal for Oaxaca.