Where Are Ron and Ellen?

Kok-bory tournament, Cholpan Ata, Kyrgyzstan

Kok-bory riders

Riders from two teams cross the field to bow to the audience before the start of the game. Roses in the foreground, lake and mountains in the background: a beautiful setting.

Kok-bory game

Kok-bory game. There are four players on each team. In this photo, the two players in the foreground are in the penalty box waiting for their time to run down. In the center, the two players in the circle are facing off, each trying to pick up the goat carcass. The other players from each team have to stay outside the circle and out of play until the goat (not the horses and riders, as best as we could tell) crosses the edge of the circle.

Kok-bory game

Kok-bory game, a good view of the goat carcass.

Kok-bory game

Kok-bory game. One player is picking up the goat, others close in to try and either protect him (if they are on his team) or take it away (if they are on the opposing team).

Kok-bory game

Kok-bory game. Whenever possible, a player would tuck the carcass under his leg and hold it there while galloping down the field.

Kok-bory game

Kok-bory game. If you look at this photo carefully, you will see that the rider is nearly off his horse, with just his lower leg holding him on the saddle, while he leans to the ground on the far side of the horse to pick up the goat (while riding past it at speed!)

Kok-bory game

Goal! The goat is thrown into a hole in the center of the box-like structure. The man in black on the left is a referee.

Spectator at kok-bory game

Spectators at kok-bory game.