Where Are Ron and Ellen?

People on the Golden Ring of Russia Adventure Bike Tour, July 2007

There are also photos of people on the photo pages for individual days of the tour, but this page is an introduction to the members of our wonderful group.

Bike group

2007 Adventure Bike Tour group: the official photo, taken outside the school in Shirinje. Left to right: Chris, Olga, Jeff, Sue, Andrew (in the back), Ron, Ellen, Ivan, Kira, Timothy, Paul (in yellow shirt). Stooping in the front are Vladimir, the tour leader, and Andrei, the truck driver. Standing next to Vladimir in the light green shirt is Philip. On the back right behind Paul are three teachers from the school. The other Andrei is not in the photo because he was taking it (with his big professional camera, as well as with everyone else's cameras).


Vladimir, the tour leader, knowledgeable, well-organized, flexible, and always calm (outwardly, at least!).

Andrei the driver

Andrei, the truck driver. He and the truck were at every turn to make sure we stayed on the right road. And he cheerfully unpacked and repacked the truck at least 25 times over 11 days!

Vladimir and his son Timothy

Vladimir and his son Timothy. Timothy did a wonderful job translating for Russian-speaking museum guides.


Paul also spoke fluent English and did fine translations for guides.

Andrei the photographer

Andrei, the photographer, also restores icons and is a retired military officer.


Ivan, Andrei the driver's 14 year old son, a future cycle racing champion.


Philip, Andrei the driver's 8 year old son, who mostly rode in the truck, but got on his bike and pedaled like mad on some of the quiet, flat stretches of road.

Olga and Chris

Olga and Chris, the honeymooners.


Kira drinking her morning tea.

Andrew and Jeff

Andrew and Jeff ponder felt mice in Myshkin.


Sue, Jeff's wife. Sue and Jeff both had Bike Fridays.

Group in the brewery

The group tours a micro-brewery. Vera, Andrei the driver's wife, is second from the left.