Where Are Ron and Ellen?

Jaroslavl, Russia, 8 July 2007

Cat under Donald Duck sign

The cat is oblivious to whatever Donald Duck is saying!

Church of Elijah the Prophet

Church of Elijah the Prophet in Jaroslavl, built by 17th century fur dealers. The church is on one side of the big open square, and the local and regional office buildings are on the other side. We are going to meet our guide, Ellen in the blue shirt, Vladimir in the orange shirt, and the guide in the red shirt in the distance on the right, standing if front of a pillar.


A very peculiar looking cat!

Volga and Kotorosl rivers

Jaroslavl was built at the junction of the Volga River (on the left) and the Kotorosl River (joining the Volga at the top). Founded in 1010, the city is now 997 years old, and is gearing up to celebrate its 1000th anniversary in 2010. There is a red 997 formed with flowers on the grass in between the limosine and the bear (also formed of flowers) which is Jaroslavl's symbol. The limosine is for a wedding party, which was taking photos at the far end of the park.

Cathedral of the Transfiguration

Cathedral of the Transfiguration, built in the early 1500s, in the Transfiguration Monastery. By the 16th century, the monastery was one of the richest and best fortified in Russia.


Violence begets violence: a sculpture on the wall inside the 16th century monastery gate.

Church of the Epiphany

Church of the Epiphany, just outside the monastery walls in Jaroslavl.

Monastery ramparts

Monastary ramparts.


A village of beehives in front of the monks' quarters in the monastery. These are the most elegant beehives we've ever seen!

Dancing on the Volga embankment

Ballroom dancing on Sunday evening on the Volga embankment. A few members of the large band are just visible behind the man in the light green t-shirt.