Where Are Ron and Ellen?

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, October 2009

Pool in Bukhara

Pool at Lyab-i Hauz, the one remaining pool in Bukhara [hauz means pond]. The other pools were filled in during the 1920s and 1930s because they were such breeding grounds for disease. The large mulberry tree was, according to the sign on it, planted in 1477.

Citadel in Bukhara

The Ark, or Citadel, in Bukhara, was used as both palace and fortress.

Souvenir vendors in domed building

One of three remaining 4-domed buildings, built at city crossroads as bazaars in the 15th-16th centuries. The streets cross in the center, and there are multiple smaller arches along the sides.

Contemproary and old buildings

Contemporary (left) and historical (right) buildings side by side. No cars here because it was a dead end.

Kalyan minaret and domed roofs

The Kalyan minaret and other domes.

Madrassah in Bukhara

Madraddah (not sure of name)

Madrassah courtyard

Madrassah courtyard

Madrassah courtyard

Madrassah courtyard

Plaza near Mir-Arab Madrassah

Plaza near Mir-Arab Madrassah

Mir-Arab Madrassah

Mir-Arab Madrassah

Carved wooden door

Carved wooden door.