Where Is Ron?

Dominican Republic and Haiti, 20 January - 6 March 2013

Ron flies to (and from) San Domingo, Dominican Republic, leaving home on 20 January 2013 and returning on 6 March. He expects to wander around the Dominican Republic and probably will cross into Haiti at the northern end of the mid-island shared border. Ellen has no interest in this trip and is happily staying home.

Note added on 9 February: As it turns out, Ron cut his trip short and came home to attend a funeral, see report below. So this trip only has one report, on Dominican Republic, with some photos included.

Haiti and Dominican Republic share the island of Hispaniola

Map of Haiti and Dominican Republic

Travel accounts (with links to photos):

 Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo and beaches

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Questions? Send email to Ellen, ebouton (insert '@' here)

Last updated: 9 February 2013