Where Is Ron?

Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei: 4 January 2012 - 30 March 2012

Map of Indonesia

Indonesia (Lonely Planet map)

Ron leaves for Indonesia on 4 January 2012, flying through Singapore to the island of Borneo, which includes Kalimantan (Indonesia) on the southeastern two-thirds of the island, Sarawak and Sabah (Malaysia) on the northwestern third of the island, and the tiny country of Brunei on the northwest coast. He also plans to go back to Sulawesi, traveling in other parts of the island than the small portion in the south we visited last year.

Ellen is staying at home. She is not interested in Indonesia for a third time (Bali in 2003, Sulawesi in 2011), and not interested in traveling ~35 hours to get there. She will be sending out and posting travel accounts from Ron.

The detailed maps:

Map of Borneo
Borneo (lonelyplanet.com map)

Map of Kalimantan, Indonesia
Kalimantan, Indonesia (asiamaya.com map)

Map of Sarawak, Malaysia
Sarawak, Malaysia (geostef.de map)

Map of Sabah, Malaysia
Sabah, Malaysia (geostef.de map)

Map of Brunei
Brunei (lonelyplanet.com map)

Map of Sulawesi, Indonesia
Sulawesi, Indonesia (asiatravel.com map)

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Questions? Send email to Ellen, ebouton (insert '@' here)

Last updated: 26 February 2012