Where is Ron?

Ethiopia 2006

In Debre Birhan, 8 February 2006

These photos were taken in Debre Birhan, a town 89 miles northeast of Addis Ababa.

Debre Birhan street scene

Debre Birhan street scene.

Bicycle parking

Debre Birhan bicycle parking.

Debre Birhan taxis

Debre Birhan taxis.

Taxi fuel stop

Fuel stop for a Debre Birhan taxi.

Kids and bikes

Kids and bikes in Debre Birhan.

Pastry shop

Pastry shop in Debre Birhan (where Ron had his hot mango juice).

Coffee ceremony at hotel

Coffee ceremony at the Eva Hotel in Debre Birhan.

Hotel room

Ron's room in the Eva Hotel in Debre Birhan.

Hotel bathroom

Ron's bathroom at the Eva Hotel in Debre Birhan.