Where Are Ron and Ellen?

At home, while we put an addition on the house

Foundation and start of framing, 29 June - 16 July 2010

House foundation

Foundation completed, sealant applied

Drainage pipe

Drainage gravel and pipe are in next to the foundation

Plywood and trash cans

Sharon and Simon and Leo came to visit on 30 June, along with our granddog, Bagel (55 lbs, part yellow lab and part ?). Bagel does not like things that she thinks do not belong. Obviously she thought the construction crew's trash cans and the pieces of plywood and scaffolding did not belong in our front yard, as she spent quite a while barking ferociously at them, fur up on the back of her neck. It took a fair bit of persuasion to get her to go any closer than where I was standing when I took the photo. Eventually she was coaxed into accepting that these things were not some evil agents bent on destruction of her and those she loves.

First floor walls from the inside

Walls! Framing and flooring went in during the week of 12 July, and on 16 July the first walls went up. I'm standing where our current front door is. The opening to the right will be the new front door, windows are in what will be Ron's office area.

Front door

The new front door.

First floor walls from outside

First floor walls from the outside, third wall to be added next week.

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