Where Are Ron and Ellen?

At home, while we put an addition on the house

Exterior completed, dry wall hung, beginning of duct work, 11-31 October 2010

Front porch

Front porch, which we've discovered is a great place to sit on sunny fall days.

Ramp and sde porch

Side porch and ramp - and a bit of our view of the mountains.

Outline of area for pond

The hose outlines the future pond. We decided not to do the digging for that until next spring. We won't have time to get everything installed properly before Ron leaves for Indonesia on 30 November, and if we dig the hole now the sides won't remain precisely straight through the winter rain and snow.

Framing for the chase

Framing for the chase that will enclose duct work and plumbing.

Chase with ductwork and plumbing

The chase now has the duct work and plumbing inside it.

First floor with drywall

The drywall has been hung (but not yet taped and sanded), covering the chase and the first floor walls.

Office area with dry wall

Front door and new office are with dry wall.

Second floor with dry wall

Second floor room with dry wall.

Second floor room with dry wall

Second floor room, looking toward the hallway. The hole in the ceiling is for the drop-down stairs to the attic, which will replace the current access through a tiny trap door in the hallway ceiling at the top of the stairs.

Shelves in root cellar

The newly built, wonderful storage shelves in the root cellar.

Shelves in root cellar

Shelves on the other side of the root cellar, wider and taller for storing potatoes and canning equipment.

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